Dream Big - 📚The Alchemist

So exhausted tonight, and lacking motivation. 😴 Had a great couple of weeks, but now getting weighed down by the busyness of life again. Trying not to! But life is full of ups and downs, and I can't expect it to be perfect all the time cause otherwise I'd be in Heaven! I've got a little longer to wait for that yet. 😅 I just finished reading 'The Alchemist' (the graphic novel version not the actual book). I'd never heard of it before now, but it has so many great life lessons and quotes. It's not a Christian book, but the author Paul Coelho was raised Catholic, and had a 'spiritual awakening' while walking the Camino de Santiago, which inspired him to finally become an author. You can learn a little more about him here . Here's some of the quotes that stood out to me and why - I might not completely understand what the author was meaning, but this is me putting a Catholic spin on things. Skip to the end for some real life application, if you get...