📚 The Princess & the Goblin 📚
This next book is a children's fantasy novel - with some spiritual themes woven throughout. 'The Princess and the Goblin' by George Macdonald, was originally published in 1872, and the edition I read, with it's beautiful cover photo, was reprinted by Love Good in 2019. It took me a day or two to get engrossed in it, but as soon as I got to the random old lady and her pigeons, (chapter 3), I was hooked. I really enjoyed the change of genre, and sped through this book. Growing up with 7 younger siblings, my reading level seems to have settled at tween/teen fiction, so I love a good fairytale or fantasy story! 😊 Firstly, I appreciated how chapter headings are very matter of fact and they tell you exactly what to expect in the upcoming chapter. For example; 'Why the Princess Has a Story About Her,' 'What the Nurse Thought of it,' or 'A Short Chapter About Curdie.' They're not like that anymore! I like how MacDonald has written a children...