Australia 🦘
My discernment journey has taken a big leap, and I am currently in Australia, doing a 'come and see' with the Missionaries of God's Love Sisters for a whole month! I've been trying to get here for nearly three years now, but Covid made it impossible. There was the potential to be upset or lose hope, but despite multiple canceled flights and closed borders, I felt completely at peace. A few weeks ago, my dad burst into my room along with the announcement that the borders were opening again and travel could be quarantine free. He suggested I could visit the MGL's sooner rather than later. Little did I know when he said soon, God meant in two weeks time! Doors opened smoothly and despite a covid case and isolation as a household for ten days, a strong desire to hurry up already and be with the MGL's steadily grew, and I knew this was finally the timing God had in mind. The moment we were out of isolation, I contacted one of the Sisters, and three days later (very ...