Australia 🦘
My discernment journey has taken a big leap, and I am currently in Australia, doing a 'come and see' with the Missionaries of God's Love Sisters for a whole month!
I've been trying to get here for nearly three years now, but Covid made it impossible. There was the potential to be upset or lose hope, but despite multiple canceled flights and closed borders, I felt completely at peace. A few weeks ago, my dad burst into my room along with the announcement that the borders were opening again and travel could be quarantine free. He suggested I could visit the MGL's sooner rather than later. Little did I know when he said soon, God meant in two weeks time!
Doors opened smoothly and despite a covid case and isolation as a household for ten days, a strong desire to hurry up already and be with the MGL's steadily grew, and I knew this was finally the timing God had in mind. The moment we were out of isolation, I contacted one of the Sisters, and three days later (very biblical), I was in Australia! I'm not naturally a last-minute kind of person, yet I felt so at peace with this quick decision.
I'm just over a week into my time here and loving it! Within three days of arriving, I had met and joined in the routine of the Sisters in Sydney, seen the sights, had some beautiful moments in prayer (which isn't as difficult to do when you're so enveloped in it!), traveled to Canberra, and slipped into the routine of the Sisters that are in formation. It felt as easy as breathing (if you don't count the early mornings) - my soul longed for such a routine of prayer, everyone was so welcoming and inclusive, and I was easily swept up into the MGL way of life. One week on, I have to be honest and say that the immensity of what I've been experiencing, and the number of new faces and new environments have started to catch up with me - but I still cannot shake a sense of belonging here, a deep sense of peace. Who knows what God has in store? And I'm not making any big commitments yet, but I am just so at peace and overjoyed to finally be here in the flesh!!
For a little taster of my experience, here's a rough day in the life of an MGL Sister (still in formation - those in their 1st to 4th year of entering):
- 6:30am - Morning Prayer
- 7:00am - Adoration
- 8:00am - Breakfast
- 9:30am - Mass
- 10:15am - Scripture or Catechism class
- 12:30pm - Lunch
- 1:15pm - Study time/class
- 5:30pm - Evening Prayer
- 6:00pm - Dinner (often shared with community members, or later in the evening after some form of ministry)
- 9:30pm - Night Prayer
It's not all study and prayer - Mondays are set apart as Sisterhood days, so after the morning routine, most of the day is blocked out for fun times just as a Sisterhood, with no ministry or study expectations. And Friday's are 'prayer days,' where the Sisters simply spend quiet time with the Lord in whatever way they like.
Although the busyness is a bit exhausting, the amount of time spent in prayer, and being surrounded by a strong Catholic community (Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community) has been an amazing opportunity to be lead into a deeper revelation of God's love for me. He never tires of continuing to lead me deeper into His heart, which I'm only just realising has no end! There's always something new to discover, He's always showing me new ways that He loves me, and only increasing my love for Him.
Yesterday (I was about to type 'A few days ago' - that's how comfortable I feel here!) my Spiritual Director suggested I reflect on Jesus' Baptism, Matthew 3:13-17.
Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
Image from Desiring God |
Three words came to mind as I prayed with this Scripture - equal, one and vocation.
Equal, because I was reminded of how Jesus was baptised by John, just as everyone else was. My God isn't some vast unreachable deity whose love for me is divine but aloof, incapable of stooping to my level. He was human too.
One, because as I prayed, I pictured Jesus walking arm in arm with me, down to the Jordan River so we could be baptised together. I was reminded that through baptism, the same Spirit that came upon Him also alights on me, and the same voice of the Father calls me beloved. I sensed that from the moment I was baptised, I was His and we were one, because the same Spirit that was in Him was in me too. Failing to love me would be failing to love Himself!
Vocation, because Jesus' vocation was to reveal to the world God's love, to gift the world that same Spirit so every single person could be one with Him, aware of His love for them, and vessels of that love to the world, co-gifters of the Spirit (you might need to read that a few times so it really sinks in). I realised that my vocation (and the vocation of every baptised person - you included!) is to embrace our oneness, allowing an awareness of His love for me to flow out and attract others to be one with His Spirit too.
As you let this sink in, reflect on the words of Abide by Kingdom Culture Worship.
Jesus' Baptism is a great reminder of His great love and willingness to be one with us, no matter where we are at. God bless you on your journey to Easter!
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