J | O | Y 😁

A Video Call, the MGL's and JOY!!

Over the last couple of days, I've really been praying for an increase in joy. I particularly reflected on this on the 13th of April, where the readings were all about joy and fullness of life in His presence (Acts 2:14, 22-33; Psalm 16; Matthew 28:8-15).

Life's felt a little dull recently.
I am so blessed to be where I am today - in a Catholic flat, surrounding by supportive people, with a youth ministry job which I love, in a beautiful location etc...
But I've just been feeling like I'm made for more. Like as amazing as that all is, this isn't where I belong - this isn't quite where I'm meant to be. That doesn't mean that God can't use/isn't using this time now for His glory! But I'm just longing for more.

And today was the most joyful I've felt in ages! 😁

I've just finished a video call with Sr Therese of the Missionaries of God's Love (MGL) sisters. This call was a result of my encounter with Sr Rachel at Hearts Aflame in Jan this year. I contacted Therese (the vocations director) about maybe visiting them in Canberra, and we finally met each other today.

Obviously, meeting with Therese does not mean I am going to join the MGL's! I am well aware that there are many orders out there and I have only scraped the surface...

But after our meeting, I feel so JOYFUL!! The kind of joy that bubbles up inside and makes you feel like it will burst out at any moment.

And I think this is because;
  1. I have just taken a big step on my discernment journey - by actually meeting with the vocations director of an order.
  2. Any time I have a conversation with someone about my discernment of a Vocation to Religious Life, it makes me feel so alive!
  3. As Therese mentioned, when visiting/interacting/encountering any order, you either think 'this was great and you're all lovely, but this just doesn't quite feel right for me.' Or 'this was amazing, God is stirring something in my heart, something about this sits well with me.' And I definitely feel the latter about the MGL's.

Some of my notes from our chat (they make sense to me!😅) 
Here are a few things that stood out to me from our conversation (as per my scribbled notes above...):
  • The MGL's charism/mission/drive is 'A desire to bring the love of God to all people - particularly the young people and the poor and marginalised.
This is something that sits well with me, because I desire to bring God's love to as many people as I possibly can! I love working with youth and helping grow closer to the Lord. And although I haven't had much experience with it yet, I also desire to reach out to those on the outskirts, overlooked by society. Something on my 'Dream Sisterhood' list is that I want to be 'out there in the community, interacting with people.
  • Their contemplative and charismatic prayer life
The MGL's have adoration every morning, the divine office three times a day, they pray the Rosary daily etc...but they also have times of praise, intercessory prayer, prayer for each other etc...And then they end each day in silence, so every morning their first words are to the Lord 'Lord open our lips,' and every night their last words are to the Lord. 
I desire a life filled with prayer - and this is so much easier when you have a proper routine, and are surrounded by a community that prays with you. But as well as the traditional prayers, I love charismatic prayer too. The Lord gifted us His Spirit for a reason, yet we tend to go about our daily lives without really using the gifts the Spirit plants in us. It is so much more lifegiving and exciting when we do! So the fact that the MGL's are charismatic also appeals to me. 
  • Sr Therese' vocation story
I found myself relating to Therese' story in many ways - for example how she was brought up going to church and just did it cause her mother made her, not because it meant anything to her. She came to have a personal relationship with the Lord as a result of a Catholic Summer School - and for me a similar thing happened at my first Jesus 4 Real camp.
  • Most Sisters go on to study theology in Melbourne after their first three years. 
I don't know why, and I haven't really explored it much, but I think if I studied anything, it would be theology! (Although I change my mind about study all the time...)
  • Their interaction with the MGL Priests and Brothers, and the Disciples of Jesus Community
Also on my 'Dream Sisterhood' list (the last thing added I think, from August 27th 2019) - 'interacts with a brotherhood/priesthood and works alongside them.' I've come to really value the brothers in my life, who've supported me in my faith journey so far. Tbh there aren't many...because I am a pretty shy, awkward person and I am not that outgoing when I am around males. But that has just made the relationships I have made with men all the more valuable to me. Not in a romantic way! I just really value a good, supportive brother, and if I joined a Sisterhood, I think that is something I would still appreciate and value.
Also, there are families and children in the Disciples of Jesus Community which the MGL's belong to, and Therese mentioned that they are like one big family. That appeals to me too - being involved in family life. 

Some things that didn't appeal to me (tbh this is honestly all I can think of for now):
  • The distance from home, and how I'd only be able to visit home every two years
A part of that is just me and my attachment to the world though! Compared to other orders, I'd be lucky to actually visit home every two years. And I could still video call/email/write regularly too. 

So...from this point, I will be starting their 12 session enquirers programme. This involves taking some scripture and reflection questions into my personal prayer times. Then I'll be sending back my answers to Therese, and getting the next session. 
I'll also be having one-on-one catchup's with Sr Rachel as I discern and pray about where God is calling me. 
Again, this doesn't mean that I'll definitely join the MGL's! 

But I feel so much joy and peace in taking this next step. 
I feel alive! 


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