How Do You Know?

Quick post as life has been pretty busy lately...
I'm sure I'll blog about this in more detail another time, but a couple of weeks ago I told each of my siblings that I was discerning Religious Life. 

My brother Michael reacted with a question: How do you know?

I've just finished a video call with Sr Mary Julian, a Religious Sister of Mercy based in Sydney. 
And here are a few thoughts on how I know - three main words.

1. Peace

I had thought about Religious Life before 2018, but it was always blotted out by doubts, fears and worldly stuff. But since hearing that pretty clear call in the Jesus 4 Real prayer room back in 2018, whenever I think about Religious Life, I feel a deep sense of peace. My mind might think otherwise sometimes, but my soul is at peace. And that peace surpasses all understanding, and withstands all opposition. 

2. Joy

I often know when God is particularly at work because I feel little 'bubbles of joy' welling up inside me and those joy bubbles can't be contained! Obviously life isn't always full of joy and excitement. Bubble moments are only occasional, as God most often works in little, unnoticeable ways. But whenever I talk with someone about Religious Life, whenever I think about steps I could take, or whenever I read, write or pray specifically about my discernment of Religious Life, a bubble starts forming! I can't help but feel joyful, excited and alive! And wasn't I created to live life to the fullest?? In discerning Religious Life I feel as though I am living life more abundantly, because I am actively seeking the path God is calling me to.

3. Love

Since more seriously discerning Religious Life, I have grown in my capacity for love, and to love. I am coming to know God more as my Lover, and as God who truly is Love. And this has flowed out into all aspects of my life! And again, as I reminded some Yr 10 students today, wasn't I created "by Love, for love and to love?" I can see Religious Life as being the way I truly do live that out!

So that is a brief description of how I know.
Maybe I was a bit uncertain at first, but that peace remained.
Maybe I was a bit distracted by the world at first, but that joy was my guide to what is good and true. 
And maybe I was afraid that saying no to marriage would mean saying no to love. But God is Love, and my capacity for love has only grown since discerning Religious Life more seriously!


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