Tyburn Pt. 2

I have less than 24hrs to go here, and I will miss this place!

View this morning 😍

At first I was a bit shocked to discover how isolated, quiet and prayerful this place is – which is weird cause it’s an enclosed monastery…what else was I expecting? I was overwhelmed by the amount of prayer these Nuns do each day, and how they don’t seem to be bored by that.

But today so far, I’ve been to Mass, four prayers of the Divine Office, had an hour of silent Adoration, prayed two rosaries, reflected on an MGL Enquirer’s Session, journaled lots, read a Religious book and I’m still not over it!

Monastery Chapel

The days go by so fast, and I’m loving this routine of prayer which forces you to stop and take time out for the Lord pretty much all day. So much of my day has been filled with prayer, yet I feel like I’ve gotten so much done as well! I have received solutions to most of the things I was worried about when I arrived and am at peace with trusting God and His perfect timing with the others. When God is the center of your life there really isn’t anything you could want!

I was reminded of this as I sat by the lake yesterday, with tiny drops of rain brushing my face, an awe inspiring view, and tonnes of fantails flitting around without a care in the world. A line from a song I wrote ages ago came to mind “For He takes care of the birds of the air, why shouldn’t He take care of me?”  As I wrote in my journal;

“This is my tiny glimpse of Heaven – total peace, utter beauty, and a deep knowledge of the Lord’s presence, without a worry in the world.”

I sang ‘I Surrender All’ interchanging ‘all’ with the things I needed to let go of – my job, family, call, heart, next term etc…and then sat in the stillness, truly at peace.

There’s a quote from St Bernard in the hallway here which is good to know cause I’ve felt quite lonely this year;

“Never am I less alone than when alone, for when I am alone I am with God, who gives me greater joy than the society of all creatures could offer.”

I know I’m not actually alone. I’m discovering the Love who alone can satisfy, the only One I could ever need. And that is exactly what the Nuns living this life of prayer here recognise.  


Tyburn Sisters:

Second thoughts

  • I love their Eucharistic love!
  • I like how they read the story of a martyr each evening to begin Compline. It’s like an inspiring bedtime story (I’ve been reading a Saint story or two each night before bed too!)
  • They pray an act of contrition, and Lord have mercy so often – yet I find it difficult to see how they’ve had any time to sin when they are so wrapped in prayer!
  • I like how Christ is definitely the center of all they do


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