How Do You Know?
Quick post as life has been pretty busy lately... I'm sure I'll blog about this in more detail another time, but a couple of weeks ago I told each of my siblings that I was discerning Religious Life. My brother Michael reacted with a question: How do you know? I've just finished a video call with Sr Mary Julian, a Religious Sister of Mercy based in Sydney. And here are a few thoughts on how I know - three main words. 1. Peace I had thought about Religious Life before 2018, but it was always blotted out by doubts, fears and worldly stuff. But since hearing that pretty clear call in the Jesus 4 Real prayer room back in 2018, whenever I think about Religious Life, I feel a deep sense of peace. My mind might think otherwise sometimes, but my soul is at peace. And that peace surpasses all understanding, and withstands all opposition. 2. Joy I often know when God is particularly at work because I feel little 'bubbles of joy' welling up inside me and those joy bubbles ...